Serious burn injuries often result from the negligence or carelessness of others. Burn injuries cause intense pain, and often are accompanied by permanent damage to nerves, skin and bones. The long period of recovery time required for severe burn injuries can cause extended emotional distress for victims and their families, in addition to high medical bills and lost income.
At Ward, Smith & Hill, we have helped many burn injury victims in their legal claims against those responsible, including representing men and women who have been burned in car wrecks, oil field accidents, construction site accidents, pipeline explosions, and many others. Our team of seasoned attorneys works closely with medical professionals, worksite safety experts and accident reconstruction experts to help build strong legal cases for our burn injury clients. Ward, Smith & Hill works to make sure our clients get the compensation they deserve.
We provide extensive experience in burn injury cases involving home explosions caused by faulty gas lines; defective gas stoves, heaters and ovens; dangerous gas lights; and other products.
Ward, Smith & Hill has helped clients earn compensation in burn injury cases involving: