Brain injuries can result in life-altering circumstances for victims and families alike. From long hospital stays to missed time at work to losing needed family income, brain injuries are responsible for disrupting victims’ lives more than almost any other medical condition. Not all brain injuries are apparent immediately after an accident, and even “minor” brain injuries can result in severe or permanent damage. Brain injuries can cause memory loss, altered personality, difficulties concentrating, and a variety of other medical problems.
The attorneys at Ward, Smith & Hill provide clients with years of experience in brain injury cases. Our team of proven trial lawyers works with medical professionals and financial experts to help us build strong legal cases for our clients who have suffered from brain injuries and their families. We realize that many brain injury victims require long-term medical care, and we work to make sure our clients get the compensation they deserve when they suffer such an injury through no fault of their own.
Ward, Smith & Hill has represented brain injury victims in cases involving: